By Ali Tiga
Just as the date for the general election draw closer, the concern for many Nigerians is tailored towards electing a good president that will make Nigeria a better and equally an ideal nation.
One of the major focus of most Nigerians is geared towards the presidential election and focusing less on electing competent Legislators at the federal level who are key players for the promotion of good governance and whom without, the leadership of whichever parties emerged as a president may likely not be successful as expected in an ideal society.
The need to elect legislators at the federal level who will support good governance, support the president to succeed, and represent the interest of his constituents and the country at large in making it a better place is very important.
For us as a Nigeria to be better, it does not only need a president, it needs senators and house of representative that will complement in developing and implementing policies and programs that will bring development in all facet of life.
It is on these note the need for persons like HON. SULAIMAN YAHAYA KWANDE a two Term Honorable Member of the Federal House Of Representatives representing Bassa/Jos North Federal constituency from 2011 to 2019, who has brought lots of development and presence of government within the constituency which have positively impacted the lives of his constituents through legislation.
According to him, Hon. Kwande regards every politician as a potential team player, and every individual as a stakeholder in the decision of who will captain the affairs of the people for the greater good.
Believing that politics is centered towards bringing and holding together in unity all communities, groups and people irrespective of their divergence of ethnic, religion and other affiliations, by providing good governance that is human oriented.
The need to bring development, promote peace, extend the presence of government to neglected communities, improve the economy base, promote inclusive and good governance to Northern Senatorial District of Plateau State and the country at large, are key to Hon. Suleiman Yahaya Kwande.
Looking at the development, promotion of peace and unity, the nature of inclusive and quality representation shown by Hon. Suleiman Yahaya Kwande to the constituents of Bassa/Jos North Federal Constituency and the need for Northern Senatorial District to have a bridge that will connect people to government through representation that is people and result oriented comes with the responsibility of electing good leaders.
Time has come for us to get it right, time has come to change our mindset over the right candidate with the capacity, audacity, charisma and full of ideas to change the narrative for better Northern Senatorial District of Plateau State, the best candidate that we can vote for, you should vote for and we should vote for as senator is Hon. Sulieman Yahaya Kwande of the Peoples Redemption Party and he is the candidate the people deserved.