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Welcome Professor Owolabi Our Newest Columnist To Gongnews.net On Major Topical Issues



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You will enjoy every moment and time spent to be with this column

I am Professor Owolabi HY, a little, but concerned Nigerian expert. I will try as much as possible to take all concerned through a world of new discoveries about many things we have concluded are spiritual, cosmic, fetish and inexplicable because factors around us will not allow us to accept a new proposal of explanation

I shall be reaching out to the world and Nigerians in particular on the issues of learning and why some people will not learn the way others do.

On Gongnews.net, I shall be taking time to talk on a number of issues that are of great concern.

This section of write up will try as much as possible to help many Nigerians and others who do not see the need to find out and investigate reasons and facts of why certain people will not learn like others.

For so many years, and till date, a number of people still think and hold the old belief.

It is therefore time for everyone to join this medium, fasten your seatbelt and put on your safety jackets to begin our journey into the world of realities and facts around some challenges that could inhibit and impede learning.

It is time to stop having sleepless nights over issues other parts of the world are already making mild and working out solutions

Join us, on number of issues around challenges such as learning disability, autism, Down’s syndrome, schizophrenia, cerebral palsy, hallucination, delusion, othello syndrome, paedophilism, fetishism and many others

We will also look at marriage, divorce and separation and match-making

Without a doubt, our effort will also go into deviant, defiant and oppositional behavior including suicide, bully, prostitution and related activities

We will look at schools, education, out-of-school children and begging as a profession.

Once again, it is going to be served fresh and hot to educate all and look towards changing our perception about so many things

This portion will also delve into admission, scholarship, relocation and engage many professionals who have international pedigree

Join my skills with yours and we can fight ignorance together. Draw your knowledge down here and pull mine nearer yours and it will be massive enough to discourage ignorance stagnating us.

Let’s ride and surf through issues that bother the world and make us believe things we would hitherto not have believed

Sign in and sign out ignorance

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